Snip and Style Your Way to Success – Rock the 2024 Colorado Barbering and Cosmetology Exam!

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What is the function of Keratin?

It forms the base of all horny tissue

Keratin is a fibrous protein that is found in the cells of the skin, hair, and nails. Its main function is to provide strength and structure to these tissues. It forms the base of all horny tissue, meaning it is responsible for making these tissues tough and resilient. Option B, lightening hair color, is incorrect because keratin does not have any effect on the color of hair. Option C, acting as a natural shampoo, is also incorrect because while keratin can help add moisture to hair, it is not a cleansing agent. Finally, option D, reducing hair volume, is incorrect because keratin builds and strengthens hair, rather than reducing it.

It lightens the hair color

It acts as a natural shampoo

It reduces the hair volume


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